Processos Soluções de Engenharia - Português Processos Soluções de Engenharia - Inglês


Hazardous Area Classification

Training Objectives

Hazardous area classification is one of the applicable tools to the industrial plants adequate safety management, through flammable atmospheres identification and ignition sources elimination. This course provides a guidance on how to apply this tool, what are the current practices and trends, the reference standards and the legislation to be followed.

Training Subjects

• Fire and explosion hazards: gases, vapors and dust flammability; ignition sources; other relevant phenomena
• Hazardous area classification: objectives; principles; emission sources; hazardous area extension; equipment selection; zone of use; ignition by spark or by flame transmission; ignition by hot surfaces; groups and classes for gases, vapors and powders
• Available standards and codes of practice: Great Britain, Europe, United States and Brazil
• Protection for electro-electronic systems: inherent safety; special protection; explosion-proof enclosure; pressurized equipment; encapsulation; enhanced safety; non-incendive; oil immersion and sand filling
• Limitations of the hazardous area classification: perceptible limitations; standards and codes of practice limitations; inherent limitations
• Brazilian Regulatory Standards NR 10 and NR 20 requirements; regional environmental agencies and insurance companies
• European Community explosive atmospheres guidelines: ATEX 137 (99/92/EC) and ATEX 100A (94/9/EC)
• Recommended methodology: compatibility study, emission sources identification and zoning, area extension calculation, indoors and outdoors areas, ventilation; electrical equipment specification, reports and revisions