Processos Soluções de Engenharia - Português Processos Soluções de Engenharia - Inglês


Human Error and Safe Behavior

Training Objectives

Human error is widely recognized as one of the hazards causes in many industries. This course provides a guidance on how to examine human behavior and reduce human error. It will be explored the human error nature and the different approaches that can be adopted to improve human reliability.

Training Subjects

• The system-induced error approach: understanding the human error root causes with respect to the individual, the situation and the task demands
• Main types of human error: lack of attention; lack of training or appropriate instructions; lack of physical or mental ability; lack of motivation or a deliberate decision to not follow orders or instructions; management
• How to learn lessons from past incidents: alternatives to blame and punishment; systematic techniques to review the incidents sequence, understanding organizational and immediate causes; and record the incident; preventive strategies
• Human error prediction: quantitative techniques to examine and predict the human error
• Tools, techniques and theories for human error prevention: tasks analysis; human machine interface analysis; error prediction and reduction; developing an open culture; integrated approach of the competence and the best procedures to control the risk
• Human reliability in risk analysis: application of human factors techniques to assist human reliability analysis in the quantitative risk analysis context
• Human reliability quantification techniques: methods and data used to analyze the human error likelihood in risk assessment
• Examples of incidents wrongly ascribed to human error, whose actual causes were management, control, design, work systems, training, tagging and warnings faults
• How engineers could approach human error problems. Examples of accidents caused by different types of human error
• Erroneous concepts between hazardous plants designers and operating managers
• Strategies to promote safe behavior: behavior modification theory, observation and response programs key elements, integration into the HSE management system
• Incident investigation techniques: root cause analysis, fault tree analysis, causal factors diagram, multiple events sequencing, Barrier analysis, modifications analysis and “TapRoot” system