Processos Soluções de Engenharia - Português Processos Soluções de Engenharia - Inglês


Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA)

Training Objectives

Provide a basic training about quantification for professionals who work in the chemical, petrochemical, oil & gas and process sectors; showing the usefulness of quantitative assessment for the effective safety management and industrial planning, both in existing plants and new projects.

Training Subjects

• Introduction: historic; when apply risk analysis; fundamental concepts; technique limitations; terms of reference; documentation or required information
• Ways to express the risk: risk of what to whom? Parameters to express the individual risk and the societal risk; interaction frequency; what parameters to use? Risk values for various activities
• Hazard identification techniques: compatibility study; accidents historical analysis; preliminary hazard analysis (PHA); hazard and operability study (HAZOP); failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA); what-if; check list; six stage hazard study; Mond index and Dow index; rapid ranking; hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)
• Relevant accidental scenarios: selection criteria of the events to be modelled and quantified
• Event quantification: likelihood, frequency and rates; facilities and human error reliability data; data analysis; Weibull method; block diagrams; latent failures; common failures; redundancy, diversity; ignition likelihood; fault tree analysis; events tree analysis; occurrence rate calculation
• Event modelling: release sources calculation; gases, liquids and powders releasing; weather conditions influence; dispersion and flow models; fire and explosion phenomena; modelling software and its limitations
• Consequence estimates; PROBIT function; harmful effects likelihood for different events profiles; vulnerability calculations
• Risk estimate: individual risk estimate for different events; sum of various risks; sensitivity analysis and uncertainty level; societal risk estimate; curve F-N; results plotting
• Risk management: acceptability criteria and international targets; risk recalculation with the additional protection measures; management programs; risk transfer